I would like to take this time to thank everyone all over the world in which I have met. You have provided me with great experience I could have ever imagined. First of of I give honor and praise to God for all He has done for me and this gift in which he gave me for a season. I would like to take the chance to say to the countries in which I have visited thank you for enjoying my music as well as me as the person in which I have become. I would like to thank the men in my life to the late great man William Howard McKinney (grandfather) thank you so much on showing me how a man should act and be. To my father William James Motley thank you for the gift of birth and I'm sure you proud of your son. To my mentor Mr. John Whittington whom taught me to never give up on my gift and when I sing remember the struggles in which life's lessons have taught me. To Pastors Walter Hawkins, Andre Crouch thank you for the music and the guidance in God in which has shaped whom I am today. To the songwriters: Donny Hathaway, Edwin Hawkins, Richard Carpenter, Jim Croche, Duke Ellington, all I can say I'm so bless to have such company to be in.
It seems that another year has gone and I'm gearing up for the new year new tour new CD's new books, and new world wide video for 2013.
I wanted to let all the people whom have made my music what it is today how greatful I am and please keep me in your prayers
Also a very special thank you to my friends whom have given me the strength and unfailing love through out my 32 years of music you see when others said I could do it or make it God say I could and only he can lead and guide me.
Much Love,