On December 6, 2007 My sister and friend and great talent went on to her reward. There was so much said about Lisa and how she touched so many lives but there was one life that wa touched and each day I can still feel her presents be in a letter she has written or the original art in which she created.
I remembr the first time we met at Grace Community Church and there was a click not only in meeting her but in my heart. We began singing together in the choir and then I asked her to sing on my first album. We rehersed and she was great what a voice one that was soft yet strong, commited yet filled with the "HolyGhost". I listen to those songs and rehersals and them seem to lift me to a place I love to be.
I have written a song for Lisa because she was truly a gift that we only had for a season.....
Lisa I love you and know that your more than ok remember me and enjoy yourself ....in the arms of Jesus.
Love David